Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Death And Humanity Of Animals Essay - 1677 Words

The fallacious humanity â€Å"In twelve seconds or less, the knocked cow — unconscious, semiconscious, fully conscious, or dead — moves down the line to arrive at the â€Å"shackler,† who attaches a chain around one of the hind legs and hoists the animal into the air.†(Foer 117) Foer’s vivid description of the bloody slaughter on the killing floor reveals the cruelty in the animal industry and evokes criticism of inhuman treatment and the terrible circumstances animals live in. During class, some of us reached an agreement that massive slaughter of animals raised for meat is unethical and should be condemned, while eating meat from animals that have peacefully passed away seems acceptable. In both situations the animal is dead, so I start to wonder what really differentiates these two cases. Does dying painlessly really matter? In this paper, I would like to explore death and humanity in killing animals by investigating a fundamental question: for a nimals, what’s the difference between painful dying in the slaughter houses and being killed in nature by predators? Compared to killing in slaughter houses, hunting and being hunted are common in nature. For instance, prairie dogs, who depend on the white-tailed jackrabbit as a food source, bloodily kill hundreds of rabbits everyday. However, for those poor rabbits dying miserably and painfully, we never question the ethics, nor do we try to stop prairie dogs from killing them; instead, we call it naturalShow MoreRelatedCommunity And Humanity : Human Beings1511 Words   |  7 PagesWriting 11 May 2016 Community and Humanity All human beings are created in such a way that they have a sense of humanity in them meaning that they have a conscience. 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